WordCount™ is an interactive presentation of the 86,800 most frequently used English words.
This is a fun site and so usful too! WordCount™ is an artistic experiment in the way we use language. It presents the 86,800 most frequently used English words, ranked in order of commonness. Each word is scaled to reflect its frequency relative to the words that precede and follow it, giving a visual barometer of relevance.
The larger the word, the more we use it. The
smaller the word, the more uncommon it is.
WordCount was designed and developed by Jonathan Harris of Number27, in conjunction with the FABRICA studio of Italy.
http://www.wordcount.org/index2.htmlI searched the following words to see their ranking by world use and this is what I found:
Grant - 1390
Randy -17118
the - 1
advertising - 2258
road - 317
snow - 2781
mullet - 52935
carbuncles - 81544
sex - 1236
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